On 17th January (this Saturday), somebody is a year older and that person is none other than Syolahudin (check out the pin up of MAJALAH HOI). The CMU officers' blog would like to wish him a Happy Joyfull Birthday and may this year come with lot of success in works, life and of course looooooveeee...
Last but not least "Hidup Rubber Forest! Selamatkan hutan kita! Rubber Forest Rock! Peace...
Amboi...amboi..amboi.mcm budak baik je dlm cover tu ek. Bj berkolar siap msk dlm lagi pastu beg sandang belakang. Editor dpt kat maner gambar ni? Lps amik result SPM ke?hu..hu..
Agak2 macam inspector or driver ketapi tak?? haw2x
Gambar2 yang kita pilih memang xclusive
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