Monday, December 7, 2009


Maybe a little bit. If you are wondering why? Please look closely. By now, everybody knows that Dr. Nasa is no longer leading CMU due to:
a) this letter were put up nearby the punch card machine and
b) last Friday, Dr Nasa already gave his farewell with whoever going near to the punch card machine... (honestly Dr. Nasa, please don't do that. Our office is not that far and you are always welcome here...anytime!)
With this letter, Dr. Zul is now our guardian (ye lah pegawai penjaga kan?). Wait, what is Pegawai Penjaga? For those who did the exam last week, you guys should do the explaining. So, those that mean Dr. Zul is our next HOU? almost 100% BUT ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN in this Buluh Perindu area. We will bring you more updates on this transition later...


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