Thursday, December 31, 2009


It is 11.05 pm when I start writing this, almost one hour before 2010. It is time for most of us to consider our new resolutions or whatever it is that we still can't achieved in 09... bla... bla... bla... again whatever. How does CMU officers celebrate their new year? Well, GSS is in Malacca with his family, SN is celebrating it with her newborn baby, I could not find MHM car outside, so I suppose he is out there celebrating it, at the moment, SS is in Puchong. Trying to get in bed early because he need to get back to KT around 5.00 am on Friday and from the FB, MAA told me that she prefered not to go anywhere and I don't have any clues as for the rest of the team (NMCH, MSM and MFK). For me, well I would like to make my day before the new year more interesting. So I have few spontaneous plans.... and it involved SS.

The sculptures and one of the painting currently display in Galeri Petronas

I do love art (will that make me wierd? or something else?). So, I thought that it will be interesting to go to Galeri Petronas (after all, the admission is free). When we got there, suprisingly the sculptures look very familiar with my work at KT

SS: Eh...bukan ke ini TOOOOTT (sensorlah tu)
MAAG : Ye ker? Macam yer. Cuba baca, material dia.

SS and MAAG admiring one of the sculpture

MAAG: Bukanlah...stainless steel
SS: Serius Akbar, nko pun boleh buat macam ni dengan TOOOOT.

After touring the gallery. We both went to the shop and bought some posters (RM10 each)and postcards (I am very suprised with SS because he also bought a poster). For those who have interests in modern Malaysian arts, do stop by at Galeri Petronas to catch recent exhibit, Rhythm of the 21st Century Monologues of Raja Shahriman from 29 Oct 2009 to 24 Jan 2010. These are quotes from the website for above mention exhibition.

"Though the concept of the exhibition is based on war, indicated through the representations of armour and ammunitions, the underlying notion of Rythmn of the 21st Century is about the innate human nature that constantly engages in prevalent conflicts in this new century, taking cues of what transpired throughout the ages"

The postcards


Next we decided to go to Cineleisure for Avatar (again...) but this time around, it is in 3D. My goodness, although I watched it for the second time, 3D is even better. However, some incidence were quite interesting for me during the screening of this movie, such as:

a) I do regret myself after I bought the tickets. It was seat for a couple...I meant for a real couple(awkward). Fortunately, the lights turn off quickly and nobodys notice

b) I've asked SS, whatever happen if they are out of stock for the 3D spectacles? Would they simply says, "Dik, sorrylah. Spek habis" and give us Elton John spectacle instead. And I do really wonder how does people with spectacles watch 3D movies. Diaorang gandakan kanta ke? NMCH tolong jawab.

c) While we are watching it, one couple came late and sat infront of me. However, the guy is taller and all I can see from behind was his head and hedgehog hair style. I am so pissed off as his hair does not have 3D effects at all when i'm using the spectacles and blocking my view on the Pandora forest which is far more interesting. So politely, after SS agreed for me to do it, I tapped the guy shoulder and said, " Excuse me, could you lower your head as I can't see from behind".

d) After human destroy the huge tree and Neytiri's father died, I actually heard sombody crying, backrows

e) If you want to get a tips on how to handle big girl, watch Avatar.

f) I am really curious on how actually they 'do it'. Are they using hair (I don't know wether it is French braid or is it a cornrows?) which consist of tantacles to 'do it'. Cause the love scene was quit confusing or LPF already cut it for Malaysian viewers.

g) When Sigourney Weaver were going to died in the movies, it was actually supposed to be a sad moment. But it was not! after somebody used a Lady Gaga ringtone that is not suitable at all and unforgiven for that kind of mood and setting, the song was Poker face, "Can't read my, can't read he can't read my pokerface".

h) I really love to have the pattern on the back of Toruk (the flying beast) for my next 'baju batik'

i) I believed the Na'vi (the alien tribe) are fashion forward. With blue skin, they look very elegent with a little bit of red just to cover certain private parts. Mo'at (Neytiri's mother who are also the shaman) was the most stylish. She even wore something like our very own 'bunga daun getah'.


Actually we went there just to pick up our things. But I've managed to take some photos of the office before the new year begins.

Our new mini library, under construction
My previous room, next year will be given to the new officer

The moon, this morning there will be an eclipse. Hope I have the chance to see it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Does the title ring a bell or anything to you guys? It is a story about a black teacher (played by Sidney Poitier) who taught at the 'white school' in London and he have to deal with teenage angst by giving inspirational leadership. So, what does the movie got to do with all the photos below? Well, most probably nothing (because most of you guys don't watch such movie dan aku seorang jer yg tgk cerita-cerita tahun 60an macam tu!) however, still the title is the most appropriate one to be used with this post. Anyway, the story (TSWL) end with the teacher decided to stay with his students although he got an offer to worked as an engineer. Ironically, that did not happen yesterday to our Dr. Nasa because atas dasar saya yang menurut perintah, Dr Nasa is now the new head of CIPU. So, a small gathering was done yesterday for him with makan-makan and photo session with all the staff. To Dr Nasa, thank you very much Sir for everything that you have done to us in this past three years.We are very gratefull for your guidence and patience in helping us to be what we are now and hopefully this is not the end of it. You are welcome anytime to CMU, and we still value your opinions for the betterment of this unit. Thank you again Sir...

A token from CMU

Serius dan control

Ada sesuatu berlaku dekat belakang...


Nasib baik Pak Lah pakai tak cermin mata (BTW macam mana gambar Pak Lah boleh ada lagi?)

Friday, December 11, 2009


Buat alumni dalam negeri nih, Happy Birthday to you! Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki daripada member-member CMU yang lain. Dan selamat mentadbir urus SPKT dengan jayanya.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

CMU’S OFFICERS BLOG GOES UNO: Our First Anniversary and 100 posts!

It is not one but two celebrations indeed for our beloved blog. Yes! CMU officers’ blog now is a year older. And this post also is our 100 hundred posts to date (HOORAAY!). Despite not many entry from the ‘supposed to be editor ‘, we still manage to achieved 100 posts.
To our fans, alumni and haters (ye lah tu…), keep visiting us and next year we hope to bring more juicy, hot and spicy stories direct from SP Sg Buloh with much consideration on the censorship and empathy because our motto next year will be, ‘berita suam-suam kuku untuk anda’ because really…who wants to know about us? And whichever you put up the stories, usually everybody else in Sg. Buloh already knows about it with more than 10 different versions (kadang-kadang tokok tambah nyer begitu mengkagumkan dengan susunan plot beserta klimaks yg mendebarkan). So, to avoid any confrontation with other personnel in Sg. Buloh, cukuplah sekadar berita yang suam-suam kuku…nanti fitnah dan saman menyaman plak kan? However, our views are still original on any subjects that relate to our works and life. There is nothing wrong in expressing views, whether people agree or not, that is a different story. Until then, this is CMU officers’ blog! Provocative with censorships…

Ingat tak pada suatu masa nih? Di mana semua orang nampak solid dan sekeping (tidak termasuk yang menulis). Apa lagi orang yg diraikan yg pada masa tu for sure tidak dapat diselamatkan sekiranya ada angin lintang. Ah...indahnya kenangan silam. Ini masa birthday SS dan kalau tak silap gambar ini adalah pada tahun 2007. Apa yang masa telah lakukan pada kita semua amat diluar jangka sekali. Sekarang SS menjadi penolong pengurus di SPKT, MAA di US dan NMCH pula di Australia. Apa yg agaknya berlaku pada yang lain... hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu...

  • Hari ini ada bumbung roboh dekat downstream. Berdasarkan gambar yg diberi (tapi tak leh tunjuk) memang serius. Tak boleh imagine kalau masa tu ada mesyuarat. Ini ada pantun yg tak kena tapi sesuai : Kalau roboh kota Melaka, Papan di Jawa saya lurutkan, Kalau dah roboh bilik mesyuarat, Tanyalah UKSK cepat-cepat.... (kuang...kuang...kuang) Daripada: orang yang tak dapat tiles dekat makmal dia sebab UKSK kata tak penting walaupun makmal tersebut menjana data LGM dan paipnya dah bocor.
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to our dear stastician, Hashima
  • NEWS ON TRANSITION IN CMU: It is official that Dr Zulkefly is Pegawai Penjaga for CMU and Dr. Nasa will be the new head of unit for CIPU

Monday, December 7, 2009


Maybe a little bit. If you are wondering why? Please look closely. By now, everybody knows that Dr. Nasa is no longer leading CMU due to:
a) this letter were put up nearby the punch card machine and
b) last Friday, Dr Nasa already gave his farewell with whoever going near to the punch card machine... (honestly Dr. Nasa, please don't do that. Our office is not that far and you are always welcome here...anytime!)
With this letter, Dr. Zul is now our guardian (ye lah pegawai penjaga kan?). Wait, what is Pegawai Penjaga? For those who did the exam last week, you guys should do the explaining. So, those that mean Dr. Zul is our next HOU? almost 100% BUT ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN in this Buluh Perindu area. We will bring you more updates on this transition later...
