Woodstock Festival 1969
6th May 2009
I was still in my office around 8.30 pm. After cleaning up my desk, I got out from my office and started my car engine as I am preparing to go home. Suddenly I catch a glimpse of Dr. Ramli Othman in his office doing some printing works. He saw me from his window and then he opened it up. I immediately asked him “Dr., tak balik lagi ke?” He straight away replied, “Tak, ada kerja sikit!” Then I told him that I need to lock the main door and asked him whether he already punched his card or not as there is only one entrance to the punch card machine and the last person need to lock it. He asked me to wait for him and invited me to his office instead. I turned off my car engine and went to his room. Wearing an orange and black color bush jacket cutting, he asked me to read the newspaper while waiting for him, “Bacalah paper sekejap”. After a while he said he is ready to go and together we walk to our cars and along the way he jokes about the hot whether and on the new air condition he bought last week, “I can’t sleep, your country is hot man!” I laughed. “Where is your house?” he asked. “Belakang ni je” and then he asked me the question on my unmarried life, “Kenapa masih sorang?” I gave him my answer. I thought I have been answering the same question almost every time we met and then he kindly enough as usual gave me his advised “Well, if you meet a girl and you think you like her, just say it, life is short man”. Then he asked me about SOA Dinner, “You didn’t go, don’t you? Why? Tak nak campur orang?” Trying not to convince him that I am anti social person, I answered him politely “It is not like that, well maybe. But I am who I am. I just don’t want to go? That’s all”. He than asked me if I would like to join him for dinner and I agreed with him. So we went to Pizza Hut as he didn’t like my suggestion to dine at Restoran Spicy. We sat near a window and as the waitress came to our table, he asked me what I would like to eat. I just said that I agreed on what he likes to eat today. After a while, came a family and sat behind us. Two of their children were still young and making lots of noise and quarrelling behind us. “Kita tukar tempat” suggest Dr Ramli. So, we move ourselves and sat at the middle of the restaurant.
I was still in my office around 8.30 pm. After cleaning up my desk, I got out from my office and started my car engine as I am preparing to go home. Suddenly I catch a glimpse of Dr. Ramli Othman in his office doing some printing works. He saw me from his window and then he opened it up. I immediately asked him “Dr., tak balik lagi ke?” He straight away replied, “Tak, ada kerja sikit!” Then I told him that I need to lock the main door and asked him whether he already punched his card or not as there is only one entrance to the punch card machine and the last person need to lock it. He asked me to wait for him and invited me to his office instead. I turned off my car engine and went to his room. Wearing an orange and black color bush jacket cutting, he asked me to read the newspaper while waiting for him, “Bacalah paper sekejap”. After a while he said he is ready to go and together we walk to our cars and along the way he jokes about the hot whether and on the new air condition he bought last week, “I can’t sleep, your country is hot man!” I laughed. “Where is your house?” he asked. “Belakang ni je” and then he asked me the question on my unmarried life, “Kenapa masih sorang?” I gave him my answer. I thought I have been answering the same question almost every time we met and then he kindly enough as usual gave me his advised “Well, if you meet a girl and you think you like her, just say it, life is short man”. Then he asked me about SOA Dinner, “You didn’t go, don’t you? Why? Tak nak campur orang?” Trying not to convince him that I am anti social person, I answered him politely “It is not like that, well maybe. But I am who I am. I just don’t want to go? That’s all”. He than asked me if I would like to join him for dinner and I agreed with him. So we went to Pizza Hut as he didn’t like my suggestion to dine at Restoran Spicy. We sat near a window and as the waitress came to our table, he asked me what I would like to eat. I just said that I agreed on what he likes to eat today. After a while, came a family and sat behind us. Two of their children were still young and making lots of noise and quarrelling behind us. “Kita tukar tempat” suggest Dr Ramli. So, we move ourselves and sat at the middle of the restaurant.
RO: I like this kind of restaurant. Especially the air condition and you can see more varieties of
people. You should go and see more peoples. Don’t afraid to look at them especially girls
MAAG: Well, I am not afraid to look at girls. In fact, I am looking at one.
(Accidentally, there is a group of young girls sitting in front of our table)
RO: You better. In LGM pun ramai, tak ada yang berkenan ke? Dulu ada Shuhada. Dia kahwin dengan siapa?
MAAG: Roslim, kerja dekat unit Dr Amir
RO: Lepas tu yang kahwin dengan librarian tu?
MAAG: Ohh, tu Shida. Dia kahwin dengan Naza.
RO: Ya,ya. Kalau macam tu, how about Nurmi.
MAAG: Nurmi? Nurmi dah ada lah Dr.
RO: Dah ada? Macam mana you tahu. I tak tahu pun! Sebab kalau dia dah ada dia kena declare dengan I
MAAG: Saya rasalah. By the way, perlu ke diorang declare dengan Dr?
RO: Mesti, macam Liana tu. Dah tunang dah. Masa mula-mula datang dulu, ayah dia siap cakap dekat I “Tolong lah tengok-tengokkan anak saya ni. Kalau perlu marah, marahlah dia. Anggaplah macam anak sendiri. Tapi I cakap dalam hati, tak bolehlah kita mengorat dia! sebab dah anggap macam anak sendiri!
MAAG: Ha...ha..ha. Ayah dia bijak tu! (Pause)
Jadi macam mana comfirmation Nurmi?
RO: Oh..she did well!
MAAG: So Dr, apa plan selepas pencen?
RO : Tak tahu lagilah. Mungkin motong getah.. (he laughed)
MAAG: Tak ada planning untuk bercuti ke? Dr. pergilah Russia, anak Dr kan ada dekat sana!
RO: Well maybe. Sorang dekat New Zealand tu pun dah nak habis dah. Tapi kalau I pergi pun, mungkin I pergi seorang saja.
MAAG: What about your wife?
RO: Dia ada dua tahun lagi sebelum pencen
MAAG: So...pengarah baru would likely to be XXXXXX, kan?
RO: Based on seniority, ye. Actually they will conduct an interview first.
MAAG: Ohh... dah ada candidates lah sekarang untuk ditemuduga?
RO: I tak pencen pun lagi! Macam mana nak ada candidates dan interview...
I felt guilty by asking that question. He seems to be offended. However, the rest of the conversation then was mainly on Dr. Ramli life experience’s. Known as RAMOLO and not RAMBO during his college year in Kolej Pertanian Serdang (he claimed that he was one of the bad guy there!). His working experience started as a clerk and worked in several places e.g Kota Bharu. Then he got a chance of a lifetime in pursuing his education in the States. He did impressed the interviewer (two Englishmen to be exact) during the interview by telling them that he wanted to be a plant doctor. It is his dreamed also to go to O.C, New York to watch the Woodstock Festival! For those who are not familiar, The Woodstock Festival is a music and art festival during the “hippie era”. The performers included Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who and even Santana. So imagine, psychedelic rock music, cannabis and sexual revolution in one place. Phhew! Mana Dr Ramli dapat info pasal tu ha? However, Dr Ramli need to work as cadet planter first in Carey Island, Klang. Then only after that, he managed to further his study in California State University (Bsc) and Kansas State University for his Master Science and PhD. While in US, his part time job was a carpenter and changing light bulb. He shared a house with a Korean and French guys. The same batch with him was Dr Wan Rahman. However, Dr Wan was sponsored by RRIM while Dr Ramli was with... if may recalled, Sime Darby. During that period of time, colored people was still not welcomed especially by the Klu Klax Klan. He told me, that if I was there, I would be most likely to be refered as latino (but not hot latino though!). The early 70s was also the disco era especially when Saturday Night Fever was out in cinema. I also asked him on his photo during his younger years, but he said he never kept them. He only managed to save photos while he was studying in US but he never showed it to anybody even his wife, which I doubt“ It is something personal”, he said. When the time showed almost 11 pm, we decided to end our conversation. We reached our car together and we say goodbye. As I am starting my engine and reversing my car, I can see that Dr Ramli was still waiting for me inside his car just to make sure that I am OK. After waving my hand to him, he smile back to me and then made his way to the main road.
P/s: Dr Ramli is going to retired this year (that is why lately he always refering himself as ‘Pak Cik’). He have 90 days left of ‘Annual leave’ and trying his best in using it although it is most likely that he has to come to the office due to meetings. As he told me, he never did have an intention to continue for another 2 years . However, he is willingly to help us if we need him. Right on, brother!
Ingat tak lagu Pelangi Petang nyanyian Sudirman. Lirik lagu tu memang sesuai digunakan pada majlis perpisahan ke, majlis resign ke atau mana-mana majlis yang dirasakan perlu ada airmata.Well, somebody will leaving us. We can only hope that whoever he/she is, he/she will be happy with the choice the he/she made. Nak tahu siapa dia, tunggu...
“Sayang... di hari yang mulia ini. Ku pohon keampunan. Hanya satu yang ku pinta...pulanglah!”
Ha... itu adalah rangkap lagu Pulanglah daripada Aishah (lagu Raya tuh!) Kalau nak baca pun, buat suara macam berbisik-bisik sikit. Saja je nak guna sebagai intro. Kalau guna lagu Misha Omar (Pulangkan), tak kena pulak sebab itu lagu mintak barang balik a.k.a lagu buruk siku. Tetapi kepada SS sekiranya membaca laman blog ni, hubungi kami dengan segera. Ramai orang tengah cari you. Risau kami. Kalau kena culik, cepat-cepat maklumkan kepada kami (kepada penculik tu lah). Sehingga artikel ini dipos, SS masih tidak lagi dapat dihubungi. Kepada SS, pulanglah...kami merinduimu. Lupakanlah sengketa yang lama, buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih (Kui..kui..kui...) . Bukannnya apa, nak tanya report jer...
MAAG: Well, I am not afraid to look at girls. In fact, I am looking at one.
(Accidentally, there is a group of young girls sitting in front of our table)
RO: You better. In LGM pun ramai, tak ada yang berkenan ke? Dulu ada Shuhada. Dia kahwin dengan siapa?
MAAG: Roslim, kerja dekat unit Dr Amir
RO: Lepas tu yang kahwin dengan librarian tu?
MAAG: Ohh, tu Shida. Dia kahwin dengan Naza.
RO: Ya,ya. Kalau macam tu, how about Nurmi.
MAAG: Nurmi? Nurmi dah ada lah Dr.
RO: Dah ada? Macam mana you tahu. I tak tahu pun! Sebab kalau dia dah ada dia kena declare dengan I
MAAG: Saya rasalah. By the way, perlu ke diorang declare dengan Dr?
RO: Mesti, macam Liana tu. Dah tunang dah. Masa mula-mula datang dulu, ayah dia siap cakap dekat I “Tolong lah tengok-tengokkan anak saya ni. Kalau perlu marah, marahlah dia. Anggaplah macam anak sendiri. Tapi I cakap dalam hati, tak bolehlah kita mengorat dia! sebab dah anggap macam anak sendiri!
MAAG: Ha...ha..ha. Ayah dia bijak tu! (Pause)
Jadi macam mana comfirmation Nurmi?
RO: Oh..she did well!
MAAG: So Dr, apa plan selepas pencen?
RO : Tak tahu lagilah. Mungkin motong getah.. (he laughed)
MAAG: Tak ada planning untuk bercuti ke? Dr. pergilah Russia, anak Dr kan ada dekat sana!
RO: Well maybe. Sorang dekat New Zealand tu pun dah nak habis dah. Tapi kalau I pergi pun, mungkin I pergi seorang saja.
MAAG: What about your wife?
RO: Dia ada dua tahun lagi sebelum pencen
MAAG: So...pengarah baru would likely to be XXXXXX, kan?
RO: Based on seniority, ye. Actually they will conduct an interview first.
MAAG: Ohh... dah ada candidates lah sekarang untuk ditemuduga?
RO: I tak pencen pun lagi! Macam mana nak ada candidates dan interview...
I felt guilty by asking that question. He seems to be offended. However, the rest of the conversation then was mainly on Dr. Ramli life experience’s. Known as RAMOLO and not RAMBO during his college year in Kolej Pertanian Serdang (he claimed that he was one of the bad guy there!). His working experience started as a clerk and worked in several places e.g Kota Bharu. Then he got a chance of a lifetime in pursuing his education in the States. He did impressed the interviewer (two Englishmen to be exact) during the interview by telling them that he wanted to be a plant doctor. It is his dreamed also to go to O.C, New York to watch the Woodstock Festival! For those who are not familiar, The Woodstock Festival is a music and art festival during the “hippie era”. The performers included Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who and even Santana. So imagine, psychedelic rock music, cannabis and sexual revolution in one place. Phhew! Mana Dr Ramli dapat info pasal tu ha? However, Dr Ramli need to work as cadet planter first in Carey Island, Klang. Then only after that, he managed to further his study in California State University (Bsc) and Kansas State University for his Master Science and PhD. While in US, his part time job was a carpenter and changing light bulb. He shared a house with a Korean and French guys. The same batch with him was Dr Wan Rahman. However, Dr Wan was sponsored by RRIM while Dr Ramli was with... if may recalled, Sime Darby. During that period of time, colored people was still not welcomed especially by the Klu Klax Klan. He told me, that if I was there, I would be most likely to be refered as latino (but not hot latino though!). The early 70s was also the disco era especially when Saturday Night Fever was out in cinema. I also asked him on his photo during his younger years, but he said he never kept them. He only managed to save photos while he was studying in US but he never showed it to anybody even his wife, which I doubt“ It is something personal”, he said. When the time showed almost 11 pm, we decided to end our conversation. We reached our car together and we say goodbye. As I am starting my engine and reversing my car, I can see that Dr Ramli was still waiting for me inside his car just to make sure that I am OK. After waving my hand to him, he smile back to me and then made his way to the main road.
P/s: Dr Ramli is going to retired this year (that is why lately he always refering himself as ‘Pak Cik’). He have 90 days left of ‘Annual leave’ and trying his best in using it although it is most likely that he has to come to the office due to meetings. As he told me, he never did have an intention to continue for another 2 years . However, he is willingly to help us if we need him. Right on, brother!
Ingat tak lagu Pelangi Petang nyanyian Sudirman. Lirik lagu tu memang sesuai digunakan pada majlis perpisahan ke, majlis resign ke atau mana-mana majlis yang dirasakan perlu ada airmata.Well, somebody will leaving us. We can only hope that whoever he/she is, he/she will be happy with the choice the he/she made. Nak tahu siapa dia, tunggu...
“Sayang... di hari yang mulia ini. Ku pohon keampunan. Hanya satu yang ku pinta...pulanglah!”
Ha... itu adalah rangkap lagu Pulanglah daripada Aishah (lagu Raya tuh!) Kalau nak baca pun, buat suara macam berbisik-bisik sikit. Saja je nak guna sebagai intro. Kalau guna lagu Misha Omar (Pulangkan), tak kena pulak sebab itu lagu mintak barang balik a.k.a lagu buruk siku. Tetapi kepada SS sekiranya membaca laman blog ni, hubungi kami dengan segera. Ramai orang tengah cari you. Risau kami. Kalau kena culik, cepat-cepat maklumkan kepada kami (kepada penculik tu lah). Sehingga artikel ini dipos, SS masih tidak lagi dapat dihubungi. Kepada SS, pulanglah...kami merinduimu. Lupakanlah sengketa yang lama, buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih (Kui..kui..kui...) . Bukannnya apa, nak tanya report jer...

Mungkinkah ini wajah penculik SS?
Ini berita lama sebabnya dah hampir 2 minggu tapi terlupa nak masuk dalam post yang hari tu. Tahniah Hashima! Di atas kelahiran bayi lelaki pada 1 Mei 2009 yang lalu. Harapnya budak ni bijak statistik macam emaknya.
akbar..cube citer sket nape smpai skrang hati awk x terbuka lg utk cr gf/teman/awek/makwe/bakal isteri dan ape2 yg sewaktu dengannya?hehehe...
klu tgk perangai awk ni memang molek utk dijadikan bakal menantu...
kot2 la boleh tolong,hahahaha...
Kadang-kadang bagi sesetengah orang cinta mudah datang dan pergi bersilih ganti. Tetapi bagi sesetengah orang pula cinta adalah sesuatu yang sukar untuk diperolehi.Bertuahlah buat mereka yang cinta tak jemu-jemu datang...cuma persoalannya adakah mereka tahu menghargainya. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi mereka yang sukar untuk memperolehi cinta, jatuh cinta sekali pun mungkin merupakan satu anugerah yang besar. Cuma di dalam proses tersebut, apabila harapan diletakkan terlalu tinggi, ada kemungkinan persepsi menjadi halangan. Love actually is not that complicated, and I am not a complicated person. Just perception get in a way. Only a person that truly understand me, deserve me. And I do believe also that only when I understand a girl, I deserve her.
I left you with this Shu, I quoated this from somewhere, this one is perfectly what I have in my mind on what I want to feel when I'm in love:
Are you really sure that you’d believe me
when others say I lie
I wonder if you could ever despise me when you know I really try,
to be a better one,
to satisfy you,
For you’re everything to me
and I’ll do what you ask me
if you’ll let me be, free
Sebab itulah ambil masa sikit,hati memang sentiasa terbuka. Cuma, bila masa diperlukan, peluang selalunya terlepas. Usually,you don't know what you got, till it is gone, and that is my weakness.
Sekian sahaja coretan untuk rancangan mekar sejambak buat kali ini, ahaks...ahaks :)
Dear akbar,
sememangnya ble jumpe Dr. Ramli ade sesuatu yg akan dibawa bersama..shima ingt lagi masa die jumpe shima ngn maya utk bgtau maya tukar ke biotech tu. Die recite lagu ct cinta luar biasa tu..cinta ku bukan di atas kertas cinta ku getaran yang sama..
(MAAG)adoi! panjangnyer comment nih..layak untuk posting. BTW setuju sangat towh...eerr....apa itu C.I.N.T.A???
(Shu) Humm..masalah paip seatle ke ari tu???
(Shima)Apa cinta masih hangat toh???
I punya opinion, CINTA berlaku apabila seseorang itu bersedia untuk menerima kelemahan orang lain dan berupaya untuk melengkapi antara satu sama lain. Banyak toleransinya apabila menyayangi seseorang.Cinta itu bukan buta seperti yang selalu diungkapkan.
Malah, kisah si buta mengahwini si buta mungkin merupakan satu bentuk cinta yang paling hebat.Bak kata Jerry Maguire a.k.a Tom Cruise" You complete me...". Selepas tu baru ler Renee Zellweger kata " You had me at hello" sambil menangih-nangih (Kalau tak paham, pegi nengok Jerry Maguire dulu)
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