Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Dear all CMU Officers',

It is time again for the most exciting quarterly report competition ever (hooooorayyy!!!!).

That is right boys and girls, it is time for that late night sleep, that statistics things, that presure from CMU's Secretary or even by Kak G and also it is time for some of you to handle with care all your laptops, pendrive and external ports because we don't want the reports gone missing. So, buckle up and get spyware, kapersky anything you can think of... to get that report done and submit it by 6 April 2009. That is right! by S.I.X and make sure your are not S.I.C.K by that particular day.

The prize, yes of course. How can we ever forget about that! The winner will be feature as cover girl/guy on our very own MAJALAH HOI (Hooraayy again?). We also have a secret gift for the winner of this quarter (most probably nothing, but we might come out with something that is unimaginable, you guys are going to loved it).

So let the competition begins...The CMU Hantar Report (HRP) Competition for 1st Quarter of 2009 is officially opened.


shuhada said...

shu dah antar report on the 27th..layak dapat hadiah x?

p/s:korang x cakap pun officers selain UPT x layak masuk, so secara kesimpulannya, shu eligible masuk contest ni!!!

The Officers said...

Mana boleh gitu, dateline kita lain-lain...