We just have attended the longest hours of intelectual gathering on Friday! It started at 8.45 am and ended at 12 noon. Don't get me wrong! I am not against it, the presentations are full with informations on current R&D activities. However, the Q and A sessions were killing me and I believed the whole audience too.
I would like to summarized the Q&A session my own way:
Session 1:
During the early part of it, the Q&A were informative. I like it more this way. However, after a while...
Mr. Chairman: Yadda... yadda...yadda...yapp...yapp... anymore questions?
Mr. Chairman: Yadda...yadda...yadda...yapp...yapp... anymore questions? This side, that side?
And again...
Mr. Chairman:Yadda...yadda...yadda...yapp...yapp...anymore questions? BTW, where is our young researcher?
My personal views:
If there is no questions,why push it? The listeners will ask a question if they like too and when they felt they need to. I think most of us will felt the adrenaline if we have an idea and want to get up and talk about it. However, if the hormone are not functioning very well, why bother to provoke a question. The simple equation is, Audience + lazy= No questions
Session 2:
During second session of Q&A:
A) We can felt the presence of a VIP
B) To the economist...for God sake, just get the data.
C) In your face!(revenge of Wilayah people to other Wilayah people? maybe not...)
D) I did that, I am the only one who support you(say it loud in front of VIP, talking about the right words at the right time)
My personal views: ZZZZZZZZZZ......ZZZZZ......ZZZZZZ (this happen in the middle of Q&A session)
Session 3:
Mr Chairman: yadda...yadda...yadda...yap...yap...anymore questions?
Mr Chairman: Yadda...yadda...yadda...yap...yap...anymore questions?
After a while:
VIP: Yadda...yadda...yadda...yadda...yap...yap. Is that it? You comeback all the way from Bali to show me only this? Don't you know that I fully support all of you to go there?
(A WORD OF ADVICE: Next time around be carefull with the assignment that have been given to you. Something is missing here... perhaps, sincerity)
Mr. Chairman: yadda...yadda...yadda... yap...yap...anymore questions? Again where is our young officers?
Young officer 1:
Sugesstion...suggestion ...sugesstion....yadda...yadda...yapp...yapp. If we voice out our opinions, sometimes we were told to shutdown (this guy works in UTM, what do you expect....)
Mr. Chairman:
Really, I never knew that did happen. What do you mean actually? That is not our policy. Who are you? Are you on contract? (I like to put it more in a dramatic way)
And then..
Young officer 2:
Audience: HUH?
Mr Chairman and VIP: We need the young officers to give opinions and to speaks their mind by asking questions. Please take part during the colloquium. Interact.
My personal views:
Are our young officers that bad? I don't think so.
Then why don't they ask questions to the speakers?
CAUTION: The answer given is based on one person opinion only.
Well first of all, I am a man with a few words (GSS terus gelak besar). No really, this is me but terms and condition applied in certain situations. For me, I can share my opinion and ask questions if I understand the topic and if the presentation was innovative. Even so, if I have a question, I think I can manage to find the answer by myself because I am capable of doing it (bukanlah cakap besar, tapi rasanya semua kita macam tu).The interest of the topic will drive me to know more about it. But giving a limited time to consumed handouts/papers and the presentation on that very morning and expect me to give a response right away...well I think that is not a right way to do it. Yes, I can ask question in terms of definition, or all those capital letters that mean something or why this is high and why this is low. But, that kind of question shows you do not read much. I believed I am a research officer or lets put it in different words, I am scientist and scientist read. If I want to ask a question, I am going to make sure that the questions will sparks debate and for others to think about it. For simple questions, I most probably search it by myself or ask it personally to the people who are expert in it. However, we must take into account that we are having a colloquim. During colloquim, we are supposed to ask and comment scientifically. What we have been listening to during our previous colloquim (this past 2 years) are questions with hatred, nak kenakan orang lain, provokasi, question that you even can ask to yourself wether it is necessary to ask, soalan sebab ada VIP or soalan yang terkeluar selepas dipaksa oleh Chairman. Next, suggestions and opinions from the young officers. During the third Q&A session, Young Officer 1 did give a suggestion. However, the way Mr Chairman handling it, it is actually imitating the real situation. When young officers voicing out their opinions, do our opininions realy counts? Because I think most of the younger officer experiencing this whereby when they give their opinions and suggestions, ia tak ke mana. Sometimes we will give bad ideas, however it is still an ideas. We need to generate it. Kalau awal-awal dah negatif, the young officers will reluctant to voice out their opinions later. Pupuklah semangat meluahkan idea bukannya provakasi semata-mata.
MAAG: I do agree with some of the young officers, " Audience LGM lagi teruk daripada Audience dekat conference"
P/S: The writer/MAAG is a shy person who like to ask questions in person dengan niat tak nak havoc. Dia suka merisik dekat belakang yang mana selalu di salah tafsir sebagai kedekut sebab tak nak berkongsi idea bersama-sama. The truth is, he don't read much nowadays so soalan-soalan dia selalunya tak bernas. However, he is trying hard to improved it as he works at one of the oldest institute in Malaysia doing research. He is also one of the many lazy audience for the past four years of colloquim.